
Legal counseling for the people who matter most

Dedicated, empathy-led legal advocacy to improve the lives of our clients.

Lihn Law Group Law Firm Team Photo

For us, it’s personal

We combine decades of legal experience with genuine client care so we can serve others well. Our mission? Live our values, educate the public, and lead with empathy.

icon empathy
Lead with empathy
icon advocate
Advocate for others
icon educate
Educate honestly
icon golden rule
Live by the golden rule
Founder Story

A journey that started long before law school

Lihn Law Group was formed from life experience – from supporting my own elderly parents to having a daughter with complex medical needs, the desire to help and guide others started at home.

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My father was 56 when I was born and had health struggles throughout my childhood.

When I was 10 we had matching shirts made that said "dad" and "son" so people stopped thinking he was my grandfather.

When I was 12, my parents divorced and I stayed with my dad.

We moved to a senior citizen independent living apartment complex, which they agreed to "as long as I didn't make too much noise." I spent the rest of sixth grade living there.

At 16, my father was in a head-on car accident

and lived in a largely unconscious state for two months, before dying shortly after. Relatives inappropriately moved many of his assets and gave items away to neighbors without my consent.

Shortly after my dad passed, I moved in with my mom and grandmother.

My grandmother was diagnosed with emphysema and died at home under hospice care 9 months later. I watched her live her final days and take her final breaths and saw first-hand the benefits of end-of-life planning.

Many years later my mother required brain surgery after a traumatic car accident.

As a result of brain trauma from the surgery, she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and eventually dementia. This introduced me to the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia and the progressive nature of the disease.

In 2009, my wife and I learned that our second daughter would be born with a complex medical condition,

requiring her to have three open heart surgeries before the age of 3. Since that time, I’ve navigated the world of the special needs community on a personal level.

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Meet the Team

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Caleb Lihn, J.D., LL.M., CELA

Founder and Attorney

Caleb Lihn

Wanted to be a stand-up comedian

Stacey Lihn


Stacey Lihn

Wanted to be a professional soccer player

Rachael Mitchell, J.D.


Rachael Mitchell

Wanted to be an equine veterinarian

Catey Worth


Catey Worth

Wanted to be a professional career woman

Jenny Krulewich, LMSW

Client Care Advocate

Jenny Krulewich

Wanted to be a physician

Hannah Lewkowski

Team Leader

Hannah Lewkowski

Wanted to be a nurse

Tessa Valison

Client Engagement Coordinator

Tessa Valison

Wanted to be a marine biologist

Triniti Harper

Team Assistant

Triniti Harper

Wanted to be an attorney

Jules Malig

Team Assistant

Jules Malig

Wanted to be Wonder Woman

Taylor Miller

Law Clerk

Taylor Miller

Wanted to be a plastic surgeon

20 years of legal experience in estate, elder law, and special needs planning

About Badge AZ Business Leaders
Az Business Leaders
About Badge Avvo Rating 10 Superb 2
Avvo Rating 10 (superb)
About Badge AV Peer Review Rated
AV Peer Review Rated
About Badge Sustaining Member Arizona's Finest Lawyers
Sustaining Member, Arizona’s Finest Lawyers
About Badge Super Lawyers 5 Years
Super Lawyers
5 years
About Badge Arizona Center for Disability Law
Board of Directors, Arizona Center for Disability Law
About Badge National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Board of Directors, National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)
About Badge Arizona Chapter National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys
Past-President, Arizona Chapter of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (AzNAELA)
Council for Elder Law, Mental Health and Special Needs Planning State Bar of Arizona
Past-President, Executive Council for the Elder Law, Mental Health, and Special Needs Planning, State Bar of Arizona
About Badge Certified Elder Law Attorney National Elder Law Foundation
Certified Elder Law Attorney, National Elder Law Foundation

Ready to work together to protect your family?

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