Elder Law

Protecting Vulnerable Adults: Understanding Financial Exploitation Laws in Arizona

Protecting Vulnerable Adults Understanding Financial Exploitation Laws in Arizona

The financial exploitation of vulnerable adults is an unfortunate reality, and it’s more common than we’d like to believe. Vulnerable adults can be at risk from family members, caregivers, or even strangers who misuse their assets for anything other than the vulnerable adult’s sole benefit. Fortunately, Arizona has strict laws designed to protect vulnerable adults.

Understanding Financial Exploitation in Arizona

In Arizona, A.R.S. § 46-456 creates civil liability for individuals in a position of trust and confidence in a vulnerable adult who misuses the vulnerable adult’s assets. The statute provides a robust framework for holding exploitative individuals accountable, making it a powerful tool to stop exploitation, recover as many of the exploited assets as possible, and bring the exploiter to justice.

It’s crucial to bring awareness to friends and family members of the signs of financial exploitation and how to act swiftly if they suspect a loved one is a victim. Common indicators of exploitation may include unexplained financial transactions, sudden changes in the vulnerable adult’s financial situation, or a lack of access to their own assets.

Taking Action

If you suspect exploitation of a loved one or someone you know, contact us at Lihn Law Group. We are experienced in handling cases related to the financial exploitation of vulnerable adults.  Moreover, both of our attorneys, Caleb Lihn and Rachael Mitchell, recently presented a program, sponsored by the State Bar of Arizona, to train other attorneys in Arizona on the laws associated with financial exploitation of a vulnerable adult. Our team can assess your case and provide representation to protect the vulnerable adult’s rights and financial well-being. Our goal is to help you recover as many of the exploited assets as possible and to bring the exploiter to justice under the law.

Learn more on our site or feel free to contact Lihn Law Group for expert guidance and support at (602) 887-5031 or send us a message!

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